The Beer
“To Helles With It was Inspired by a 5 day stay in the delightful English Gardens in Munich and a visit to a few of the cities enticing beer halls. This classic Helles is aged for 51 days on the lees, giving it that touch of sweetness with a balance of hop spice and light bitterness.”
We found this beer to be a great example of the Helles style. A touch of malt complexity with a smooth bitterness and a crisp finish.
The Brewery
Red Head Brewing is the the home brewery of Jonathan Treagust. Equipped with his trusty Grainfather G30 Jonathan is producing some great beers. When we sampled this Helles we had to have it on the site.
With Jonathan also being an active and knowledgable member of the online brewing community, this is one of those occasions where maybe they should give up the day job!
Weyermann Floor Malted Bohemian Pilsner MaltMalt — Grain — 5.5 EBC
Munich Malt — Grain — 11.3 EBC
Vienna Malt — Grain — 6.2 EBC
Melanoidin — Grain — 44.5 EBC
Magnum Hop Pellets
Mangrove Jacks Bohemian Lager Yeast
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